Do you have an unexpected plumbing emergency, a hot water heater that needs replacing, or need to renovate your bathroom, kitchen or laundry before it falls apart, but you’re low on money?
CRG Plumbing & Maintenance now have you covered with our simple interest free payment plans now available through our partners at Brighte*
We know that when an emergency arises like a burst hot water heater, not only can it be stressful to deal with, but it can also be a huge financial strain. The team at CRG Plumbing & Maintenance want to make things less of a worry for you and your family by offering a stress free, simple interest-free payment plan for your emergency or renovation requirement.
We offer payment plans for services over $1000 starting at 6-month terms. Borrow up to $30k with 0% interest. Affordable fortnightly repayments. Get pre-approved or request a quote today.
Using our payment plans makes it easy for you to fix unexpected plumbing emergencies like burst hot water heaters, emergency blocked toilets, or a solar-powered hot water system, or to finally start on those kitchen, bathroom, or laundry renovations that you have been saving for.
Check out what other things you may use a payment for:
Replacement of hot water systems
Installing new drains, repairing drains and unblocking drains
CRG Plumbing & Maintenance work right across the Macarthur and Sydney area, offering a large range of domestic and commercial plumbing services. For your next plumbing emergency or planned bathroom, kitchen or laundry renovation needs, call our trusted and experienced team on 02 4656 4064, or send through your enquiry here.
* Information and interest rates are current as at 26 March 2021 and are subject to change. All applications for credit are subject to Brighte’s credit approval. Fees, terms and conditions apply.