CRG Plumbing & Maintenance can carry out Pipe Freezing when the need arises to repair pipes that have no means of isolation so repairs can be done. Pipe freezing is highly regarded as the best technique for preparing pipes containing water for repairs, maintenance, and upgrade works.
This method is a cost effective solution which guarantees little to no downtime or interruption to system performance, which eliminates the need to drain pipes, or cut off the water supply. Once the work is completed, the ice plug thaws and the line is fully restored to maximum operation using liquid nitrogen.
When is the best time to use pipe freezing?
- To perform maintenance and repair works on pipes with non-functional valves
- When repair works are required on leaking pipes
- In order to replace valves or flanges in pipes with no zone valves
- To allow insertion of a branch in pipes with no zone valves
- Only option for many commercial and industrial applications
What is the benefit to you as a customer using our pipe freezing service?
- Safe
- Convenient – no need to drain large quantities of water or refill water once completed
- Flexible & Time Saving – As there is need to shut the whole system down there is no disruption else where
- Cost-effective – Minimal labour and resources required
- Experienced operators – we are trained and experienced to pipe freeze effectively, efficiently and safely
- Quick – No extra workload is required

If you want minimal disruptions and only the best, experienced service when it comes your plumbing needs, call CRG Plumbing & Maintenance now on 02 4656 4064. We also use high pressure water jetting equipment. This method is ideal for clearing blocked sewer pipes, stormwater pipes, and drains. Read more about our high pressure water blasting service.