Providing you and your pipes the better alternative Bamboo Toilet Paper that is good for the environment, good for your plumbing pipes, and good for our future.
FlusheD ECO is a family run business with a plumbing background. Cameron and Renee’s mission is to use their knowledge and experience from the plumbing industry to help inform and offer all of their clients safer, friendlier toilet paper option for their businesses and homes.
FlusheD Eco offers a wholesale and retail service to ensure that whether you are in your home or in your working environment you can be sure that you are doing the right thing when it comes to the toilet paper your using.
So what is FlusheD ECO Bamboo Toilet Paper?
FlusheD ECO is the newest business offering every person the opportunity to make a difference, simply by making the switch from normal toilet paper to eco-friendly bamboo toilet paper for a better environment and future.
100% Bamboo – Our Toilet Paper is 100% Bamboo. The Eco-friendly sustainable alternative to trees. With over 27,000 trees being chopped down every day to make normal toilet paper, we think this is a pretty big deal.
Sewer Friendly – Our toilet paper breaks down quickly and flows through pipes with ease in as little as 15 seconds making FlusheD ECO Bamboo toilet paper a great preventative option for possible pipe blockages which can save you money on blockages. Great for septic tanks too.
Plastic Free – Our products and its packaging are all plastic free, recyclable and environmentally friendly. This means, the less plastic we use, the less plastic our oceans will be objected to.
Wholesale Discounts – We offer wholesale and business bulk discounts as well as subscription options. If your a business wanting to stock FlusheD ECO to sell to your customers or simply a business wanting to buy bulk we have the options for you. Our discount options are tiered based on your order quantity.
Quality – Super soft and strong, naturally hypoallergenic and kind to your skin. Double length rolls and 3ply thickness almost double of what your getting from your regular supermarket brands.
Making a difference – Oceans are our thing. We love them and we want them to be beautiful forever. That’s why we are committed to supporting charities who are helping to save our oceans for a better future by donating proceeds from your purchases. It may just be toilet paper, but it can make a whole lot of difference to our world, our future and our environment.
You can now order online, anytime and anywhere at